
The High Price We Pay for Our Fear of Abandonment
“We find comfort among those who agree with us, and growth among those who don’t.” — Frank A. Clark How

Quidditch was won with bravery
Harry – you’re a great wizard, you know.” “I’m not as good as you,” said Harry, very embarrassed, as she

How to take right decision at the right time to become a Genius
“If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward

Overcoming self doubt to build a legacy
“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt.” William Shakespeare

Knight in shining armor
“I think a hero is any person who is intent on making this a better place for all the people.”

Believe in life-jackets!
“To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory

Be the Orchestra
“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.” – James Cash Penney Do

Be a fragrant flower rather than the pressed one
“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” -Unknown How many times have your friends seeked you out while they

Why only rely on life jackets when you can learn to swim
The mark of higher education isn’t the knowledge accumulation in your head. It is the skills you gain about how

Pop the fear bubble
“Fear is an idea-crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor, inflicted only by yourself.” -Stephanie Melish Have you ever feared riding a Ferris

Do You Buy Bread to Make Spagetti?
“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.” ~James Allen Self-development

Manifest the Force of Steve Jobs when Presenting
“Most business professionals give presentations to deliver information. Not Jobs. A Steve Jobs presentation is intended to create an experience

How to Handle Friends & Relationships- Part 1
One of the most sensitive point in the relationship between parents and their children is, how do the parents handle

How To Stay Happy
This lockdown has taken a toll on the morale, peace of mind and happiness of people all over the world.

5 Tips for Success- Part 2
Well, to everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Part 2 of 5 tips for success, here’s our part

5 Tips for Success- Part 1
Success means different things to different people, but no matter what your purpose or your journey some principles of success

Life Hacks during Challenging Times part 2
This is Priya Kumar. I’m a motivational speaker and author and I am at home in lock down. This is

Life Hacks during Challenging Times part 1
This is Priya Kumar. I’m a motivational speaker and author and I am at home in lock down. Now this

Qualities of a Motivational Speaker
Motivational Speaking as a career is a great option. It keeps you immersed and engaged in positivity and growth where

Big Challenges Hold Big Opportunities
Let this lockdown serve you your first lesson. When a problem comes your way- it is your problem, and you

Learn Apply Teach
Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you’ll

“Will” against “Won’t”
Yesterday, I was washing my face in the basin and there was this annoying housefly buzzing around. I am normally

The Last Lap
The goal has been set, the agreement has been made, the action has been aligned – and yet the numbers

Push Your Luck
The goal has been set, the agreement has been made, the action has been aligned – and yet the numbers

When people say “No”
The 10% rule in sales says that if you reach out to 10 people for your services or product, at

Dare to Win—Beat the Fear of Failure
Fear of failure ranks right next to the fear of death. In fact the fear of failure seeps so deep

Don’t Miss The Boat
You may be wondering what does the term ‘Don’t Miss The Boat’ means. You will find out soon… Some people

Boss — Your Key to Success
People who are at perpetual loggerheads with their bosses and seniors have set up a failing model of progress for

Ignorance Is No Longer Bliss
Everyday we are badgered with information that consciously or unconsciously shapes our minds, influences our decisions and eventually shapes our

Perform … Don’t Patronise
I believe in performance. I believe in delivering results. I believe in overpromising and then… over delivering. I believe in

Lose on Your Own Terms
While achievement of success defines the purpose of all our actions, sometimes things don’t work out as expected in the

Today Is The Future
Sometimes people get so hung up on their dreams and goals and future positions that they just can’t seem to

Crazy Vs. Desperate
So, a new year has begun, holding the promise to deliver results in accordance to your actions. If you are

Traits of Highly Successful People – Part 3
There is a key that could guarantee you success, that would take you to the fulfilment of your goals. There

The Traits of Highly Successful People – Part 2
I am not a big fan of buffet meals. I often land up eating more than I normally would. I

The Key To Success
There is a key that could guarantee you success, that would take you to the fulfilment of your goals. There

Dreamers are Doers
My signature carries my professional titles, Motivational Speaker | Author | Dreamer. Yes, I am a professional dreamer, as I

Watch Your Mouth
The results that you are getting in life are closely related to your own actions. While we can get on

Traits of Highly Successful People
Do I have it in me to be successful? Am I really cut out to be an achiever? These doubts

Couldn’t Do Vs. Didn’t Do
So, the year is coming to a fast end, with 60 days to go. For those of you who still

The Price of Freedom & Freelancing
The amount of hate stories that go around the bosses, it’s a miracle that some are still alive. It is

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Public speaking is a fear that can give a person sleepless nights if he has to go on stage and

How To Keep Your Team Motivated At The Work Place
Work is what defines us, it allows to give expression to who we really are, it helps us grow and

How To Haggle Up Your Way For Salary Negotiation And Job Promotion
Everyone wants to make more money. That forms the primary motivation of coming to work, to do a good job,

Instead Of Arriving On Time, Arrive Early
Doubtlessly, punctuality is one of the more important virtues to have in a professional’s career. Just being at the right place

3 Solutions To Boost Your Progress At Work
All successful leaders of the world will tell you that hard work, determination, commitment, knowledge are some of the key

Be Resourceful Success Will Follow
If dreamers are the new class of executives, then, excuses are their weapon for still remaining mediocre. “I don’t have the resources to pursue

Don’t Throw Your Towel in a Hurry
There are two ways a job comes to an end: either you quit, or you are fired. Either way, it

Good Is Not Good Enough
Good Is Not Good Enough Never do something good enough. For it was done good enough, it most certainly should