

Fire walk
Imagine walking on a twelve feet long bed of hot burning coals and fire, barefoot? Imagine reaching the other end, unharmed?

Without any formal training in Martial Arts, the participants learn how to break Karate wooden boards with their hands.

Imagine you were asked to bend an iron-steel re-bar, a 10mm construction rod, with your neck? What would that do for you, if you could?

Participants will tread barefoot on shattered glass. They enter the situation with reservations and leave feeling completely joyous!
Keynote Speaker
So, you have an Annual Celebration Event, an Internal Strategy and Goal-Setting Meet or a Prestigious Dealers/Partners Conference and are in search of a World Class Speaker to WOW your people in less than 90 minutes? Then, your Search for EXCELLENCE ends here.
One of the superstars of the professional speaking industry, Priya Kumar has been THE MOST IDEAL CHOICE FOR A KEYNOTE SESSION called upon by the biggest brands across industries to take their intervention to Greater Unforgettable Heights! Priya’s keynote POWER TALKS and EXPERIENTIAL SESSIONS are in complete alignment to your conference agenda, guaranteeing desired results and leaving behind an impact that will stay with the audience long after your conference is over! Without the traditional powerpoint slide shows, Priya GUARANTEES to move your audience to take charge of their roles and act through her powerful experiential learning tools. Sensibly blended with your meet’s agenda, Priya’s POWER TALKS accompanied with carefully injected humor and real-time anecdotes leave behind lasting memories of the conference long after it is over as they also ensure BENCHMARK RESULTS to follow!
Priya Kumar continues to be a celebrated name in the speaking industry because – she’s FUN. She is as REAL as real can get. She’s the BEST in the industry. And more than anything, she brings you THE RESULTS!
Personal Breakthrough Workshops
Before we can do the things necessary to reach our goals, we must push through procrastination, apathy, fear and doubt.” The Personal Breakthrough is Priya’s flagship module. Fear is not just an emotion; it is a destructive force that prevents people from achieving their goals and dreams. Fear is the barrier, which stands in the way of success, growth, possibilities and achievement. Where there is fear there is also self-doubt, lack of confidence and mediocre performance. The Personal Breakthrough session with Priya Kumar breaks through this thick wall of self-doubt and inhibitions. By participating in the breakthrough activities one is able to confront their fears and move out of their comfort zones. Combining Four of the Most Powerful Experiential Activities – the Fire Walk, the Rod Bending, the Board Break and the Glass Walk, Priya Kumar through her Personal Breakthrough Session Enables the participants to challenge the impossible.
Breaking the monotony of One-Sided talks and Power Point Presentations, Priya Kumar’s high on Energy, Engaging and Impactful Sessions have always spelled Dramatic and Tangible results for organizations enabling their people to reach the Pinnacle of Success! With her Fun Based Experiential Learning Sessions, Priya guarantees to move your audience to take charge go beyond their limitations and deliver.
Keeping in mind the diversity in working styles, cultures and expectations, Priya personally designs and customizes every session and every module in alignment to your group size, profile of the participants, agenda of the meet, and the expected desired outcomes, thus, providing you with a power-packed, experiential session.