Turn The Tables – From Challenges To Opportunities
₹399.00 Original price was: ₹399.00.₹199.00Current price is: ₹199.00.
Personally Author-Signed Book
Turn The Tables is a book where I have penned down the lessons that I have learned through some really trying and challenging situations which brought me to where I am today, a place where I am a bigger and better person, where I know that I can be the solution to any problem that comes my way and use it to grow further and higher. Challenges have brought me inner strength and power. Success has brought me responsibility and balance. I have learned through both. And I have learned well. To ask for success is to ask for challenges, that is a truth that I have accepted. And so, I ask for challenges, big challenges, and many challenges. I know that every challenge comes with the unbroken promise of success when it is overcome.
Turn The Tables is a journey through challenges into opportunities. Every situation and person that presents itself in your arena is purpose-bound to serve you a unique lesson. When learned, that lesson can bring magic in your everyday life. Be the magician, the source of control and creation, where no matter what life brings to you, your destiny can never be denied.
About the Author
- Priya Kumar is an Internationally Acclaimed Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author of 15 Inspirational Books.
- In her journey of 27 years in Motivational Speaking, she has worked with over 2000 Multi-National Corporates across 47 countries and has touched over 3 million people through her workshops and books.
- She is the only Indian author who has won 44 International Book Awards.
Turn The Tables is a book where I have penned down the lessons that I have learned through some really trying and challenging situations which brought me to where I am today, a place where I am a bigger and better person, where I know that I can be the solution to any problem that comes my way and use it to grow further and higher. Challenges have brought me inner strength and power. Success has brought me responsibility and balance. I have learned through both. And I have learned well. To ask for success is to ask for challenges, that is a truth that I have accepted. And so, I ask for challenges, big challenges, and many challenges. I know that every challenge comes with the unbroken promise of success when it is overcome.
Turn The Tables is a journey through challenges into opportunities. Every situation and person that presents itself in your arena is purpose-bound to serve you a unique lesson. When learned, that lesson can bring magic in your everyday life. Be the magician, the source of control and creation, where no matter what life brings to you, your destiny can never be denied.
Weight | 0.2 kg |
Dimensions | 5.5 × 1.5 × 8.5 cm |
Dimensions |
14 x 21.6 cms |
Publisher |
Books That Inspire – 23/08/2019 |
Language |
English |
10 reviews for Turn The Tables – From Challenges To Opportunities
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Alan Krishnan –
Have every boom Priya has written. Read them all. Attended workshops and webinars. Must for self improvement and more.
Siddhant Agarwal –
How many times have you faced something and said that this is something beyond my capabilities?
Has it ever happened that you have set a goal for yourself and when faced with adverse conditions given up on it?
Welcome to the basic context of Turn the Tables by Priya Kumar. It is a book that takes the reader on a journey through challenges into opportunities. The book has the lessons that the author has learnt through her experience that life presented to her and from these experiences, she tries to extract a learning and move forward with it. The book presents multiple situations that will be relatable to everyone at some level or the other and the solution, if understood correctly, will seem extremely doable. Turn the Tables is a book that helps the reader create a mindset that can change every challenge into an opportunity and take the reins to control their own life.
The book is divided into 28 chapters, each of which deals with a concept of personality development, management, communication and people skills. In each of these concepts, the case presented is simple yet captivating for the reader so that the message is able to penetrate deep into the mind of the reader. Priya has taken up her success, failures, interactions and experiences to drive the messages home. Baring some of her critical learning points, the core message that is built is that each experience is an opportunity and it is upon the person to take responsibility and recognize it.
The book is quite easy to understand and comprehend. Priya has used a simple language so that the message is driven effectively to the reader. The questionnaires at the end of each chapter are interesting and helps the reader analyze his or her life choices and help them relate the concept described to their own life and thus helping them turn the table on their lives. The fictional stories with which the book opens, and closes are very interesting and should be read with emphasis on understanding.
My recommendation is that a reader should give due time to the book and try to space out the chapters, understand them and comprehend them before moving ahead with the next one. That would be the best way to imbibe the concepts presented.
Over all, a 3.85/5 score for me.
Ashmita Saha –
Verified Purchase
Are you feeling somewhat low in your life and are desperately looking for motivation? Well, Turn the Tables is the book that will indeed turn the tables for you, inspire you and help you pick, choose and fight your battles, as it guides you through the entire process.
Turn the Tables by Priya Kumar, an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, is a fine blend of both autobiography and self-help. While on one hand, the author invests a part of herself, her failures, successes, the enormous challenges she had to overcome and which have ultimately shaped the person who she is, on the other hand she presents it in such a way that anyone can gain a lot from it. And by anyone I mean both – people who have reached a standstill in their lives, more so the teenagers, and also a common reader who just wants to read.
The entire book is divided into 30 chapters with each one presenting some questions for the reader to reflect upon at the end and thus develop her/his own ideas and face the challenges. Each chapter opens with the author’s personal experiences, shifts to the point where it focuses on what she learned from then and then turns to the reader. Thus, there is a beautiful transition from the personal to the public, the individual to the collective. The style, the narrative technique is so fluent and easy-going that this does not for once feel like a self-help book, even while it provides you just the right amount of inspiration and urges you to move on. It helps you stand your ground and retaliate as it challenges Life itself – ‘I came here for a reason, and I will participate in life, even if I have forgotten the primary purpose of being here. I am not the kind who enrolls for the game and then sits in the stalls. I am there out in life, all geared up and enthusiastic, playing, losing, winning and learning.’
It truly lives up to its title Turn the Tables: from Challenges to Opportunities.
Shilpa –
I don’t usually read self-help books, so I was sceptical about this when I picked it up, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.
Turn the Tables talks about how one can change difficult situations in one’s professional and personal life into opportunities (see second pic for blurb).
The book started with the a Jataka tale, which intrigued me right off the bat. The language is very lucid—it’s like someone is talking directly to you. From the first chapter itself, the author talks about the mistakes she made as she grew her business and how, if she could go back in time, she would change certain things—this was unexpected. I thought she would constantly talk about her achievements, and while she did talk about many of the successful decisions she made, she was frank about many of her shortcomings too. This, in my mind, makes her such a relatable person, and makes her advice that much more valuable, because it emanates from both good and bad experiences.
The book has plenty of solid advice, some of which are obvious and logical, but a lot of which was new. This is the first time I have read someone advocating compassion and empathy not just because they’re good qualities to have (everyone knows that), but because they’re smart qualities to have to grow in one’s professional life — I found this so refreshing and it really impressed me.
The book is peppered with plenty of anecdotes, most of which work, though some do fall flat. There are ‘workbook’ type questions with blank spaces to write on, at the end of every chapter, which I found so touching, because the author is literally inviting the reader to write in the book.
My one concern with this book is that it rambles a bit, and there are some repetitions which could have been edited out. Other than that, it’s a good book which I would recommend to anyone who wants some relevant advice about life.
Debabrata Mishra(Strings_2_Book) –
📚Title:- The Turn Table
🖋️Author:- Priya Kumar
🗞️Publisher:- Books That Inspire
🖌️Genre:- Self Help
🔠Language:- English
📖Format:- Paperpack
🔰COVER & TITLE :- The cover of the book is good and attractive with red background and Priya Kumar’s picture.The title of the book is also very catchy and appealing too.
🔰SYNOPSIS :- The book contains 28 chapters. Each chapter will teach you how to find way in different difficult situations to make best of you to tackle with it . At the end of each chapter there are certain questions to self observe you to self assign you.
🔰WRITING & LANGUAGE:- The writing style of this book is good inspiring and motivating too. The language used is significant and gripy as well.
➡️The cover of the book is simple and beautiful.
➡️Each and every chapter has some uniqueness to tackle in different situations to get best out of you.
➡️Each chapter make you feel that you are facing different challenges in life and you have to tackle them for your survival and that motivates you a lot.
➡️The motivations like you have to learn how to say NO instead of saying YES in every situation.
➡️The language used is easy and Lucid. It described all the parts in a very Beautiful.
➡️The self assigned questions make you analyse yourself after each chapters.
✖️ THINGS I DON’T LIKE :- There is nothing such weakness or negetive in the book which is required to be highlighted.
Cover- 4.3/5
Title- 4/5
Plot- 4.4/5
Writing- 4.4/5
Language- 4.5/5
Climax – 4.4/5
⚡OVERALL – 🌟🌟🌟🌟
🌀RECOMMENDATION:- To everyone who want to self developed and self analysing.
✴️Final Words :- It is a different and good read for everyone to motivate yourself.
Kanwarpal singh –
Turns the tables is a powerful book for inspiration as author share her life experience abd anecdotes here and there as according to her , as in her motivational speaking career her anecdotes are her way of power to convey the message to her listener and she marks out point that can help you build your success. She suggest to change according to time, and one must plan out from start to end and try to follow it with whole heart and improvise as situation demand, attitude that matters, must give second chance to prove people worth, don’t compare yourself with others as not everyone is like minded, when get suggestion from someone who see potential in you ask them how to improve. Do your homework before you address the audience. Humiliation to used positively, take time and research how to improve from last time. Get your anger converted into you work to increase productivity. Don’t tolerate nonsense simply move out. Show exit door to negativity , Don’t ask for recognizition, success cannot be tamed properly might ruin you. Good times is not forever, change with flow but stand when you feel like, keep changing for success to attain for long time, get addicted like author is and credit to her father for motivation, always give your best. Make your choice wisely, guide yourself by your values , Don’t live on other expectations, unfair is for all but it’s an understatement, one must watch and take regular updates of work, shut the complain mongers who are just there to. Complain not to co-operate, make new ways for success.
Don’t wait to tell ur guide what you achieve they know it, when you are missing
First of all it was quite a different experience for me to read self help kind of book. But it was entirely not like how I have made an assumption about it. It was a good experience. There was no overflowing emotions that I find difficult to control while reading something fictional, although I love them. This was a very relaxed read for me. I read slowly, grasping every single sentence in it. And truely it was so inspirational. If you feel down or lack that quick pint of boost that is required at times to stay on track I will surely recommend this book. It was not entirely throwing mere motivational statements but was thought provoking with real time incidents described. This way I found it more engaging than I have expected it to be. The best part that I completelyr loved about this book is the set of questions that follow every chapter. It helped me greatly to relate the stuffs and to know myself deeper. I came to know new perspectives on various events of life. Anybody having a purpose that drives his/her daily life will find this book useful as it has that essence to lift one’s energy up. Besides the content the writing was very descriptive and I understood the situations that was being talked about clearly. In fact the example incidents were from the very own life of the author and that was interesting. And I really wanted to send my wishes to the author on her success in life. The copy of mine had some jumbled pages at the end and that part accounts to some confusions. Despite that I found the book really cool and motivating.
Tejal dave –
It is known that being honest with yourself is one of the main thing you have to tackle first if you are ready to turn your challenges into great opportunities. This thought is explained exceptionally well by Priya Kumar in this book ” Turn the Tables”. This is an extra ordinary book with with author’s own experiences, some real incidents and examples with the challenges faced and how to overcome and turn them into the opportunities. The book is divided in different chapters with a solid message and advise how to overcome the insecurities of life. The best part about the book is the questions for the readers at the end of each chapter. If you get the answers of those questions, your path is clear and you are very close to your dream.
This book will definitely help you :
– If you are confused about how to set the goal in your life.
– If you are demotivated because of the many known/unknown reasons/challenges or because of lack of confidence.
– If you feel that you have no opportunities coming through your way.
Even if you are well settled in your life and achieved desired goals, you can read this book to get the insight of the author’s exceptional journey which will definitely motivate you to do better in life.
Language of the book is very easy, understandable and relatable. All chapters narrated very well with examples, problems and the process to get the solution. I would highly recommend this book to my friends out here.
As she said “Be the magician, the source of control and creation, where no matter what life brings to you, your destiny can never be denied”
Sujit –
A cover which shows the very familiar face of the author. The tile “Turn The Tables – from challenges to opportunities” is attractive and oozes out a positive vibe and affinity.
As a person, we always learn from others experiences and the author has penned down the challenges she had faced in life and how it was overcomed with a fighting spirit. As the title goes in the sense of positivity is something which we can relate to Priya Kumar’s book. It is the third book I am read and I could say each of them is better than the other. The book helps us come up from the insecure feeling which we have and kills the self-doubt which hampers most of our journey to success.
Each chapter in the book deals with different kinds of challenges which we face during our day to day life and it helps us to encounter those in fantastic fashion.
Appreciate the language used in the book as the author has tried her best to explain even the complex things in a simple manner. The narration of the book is in a manner that each of us can try to feel the challenges the author has faced in her life and the solutions to those.
I liked the way the author gives attention to detail when explaining the small concepts. This could be a wonderful help book if someone is down with negative thoughts, it can readily pup up positivity into the minds of the readers. There is nothing to dislike in the book as it showers positivity.
Deepa Biswas –
Book- Turn The Tables
Author- Priya Kumar
Pages- 276
Genre- Non-fiction
“For every problem that life presents, BE the best solution that ever was.”- Priya Kumar
Priya Kumar is an author of 11 best selling inspirational books. She won 32 International Book Awards. She is also a screen writer and her books have been made into web series.
“Turn The Tables” is a new book of Priya Kumar. She has penned down the lessons that she has learned through various circumstances. She has written about the hardship right from her childhood to success. The book starts with an inspiring story of a young lad and Bhikku( one of many names of Buddha).
Every chapter of the book is so well written that one can easily understand. Everyone have dreams but only few have the impulse to achieve it. This book teaches how one attempt at change can bring a vast change in whole life, how it’s never too late to start, how one can lead a content life despite all hurdles and many more.
This is an inspiring and thought provoking book. The questions at the end of every chapter, help one to undertake certain steps to fulfil one’s dream. The author has written about several topics which is very common among all but we don’t usually get to read much about it.
I would definitely recommend this book to all. The language of the book is simple. One can easily understand. The book contains several paragraphs which are worth reading again and again.
Happy reading💙