The High Price We Pay for Our Fear of Abandonment

“We find comfort among those who agree with us, and growth among those who don’t.” — Frank A. Clark How often do you stick to an opinion just because you feel you will be the odd one out? How often

Quidditch was won with bravery

Harry – you’re a great wizard, you know.” “I’m not as good as you,” said Harry, very embarrassed, as she let go of him. “Me!” said Hermione. “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things – friendship and bravery!” If

Overcoming self doubt to build a legacy

“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we often might win by fearing to attempt.” William Shakespeare How many times have you wanted to do something but stopped yourself from doing assuming you aren’t good enough? How

Knight in shining armor

“I think a hero is any person who is intent on making this a better place for all the people.” -Maya Angelou Have you ever shared the last piece of your chocolate with your younger sibling? Have you ever given

Believe in life-jackets!

“To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory and climb new mountains. If you’re up to something that’s as big as you are, it’s going to be scary.

Be the Orchestra

“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.” – James Cash Penney Do you remember the scene from the movie Chakde where the two forward players were playing for individual interests? The Indian

Be a fragrant flower rather than the pressed one

“Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.” -Unknown How many times have your friends seeked you out while they were  facing some problems in life? Were you able to guide them to clarity? How did it make you feel?

Pop the fear bubble

“Fear is an idea-crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor, inflicted only by yourself.” -Stephanie Melish Have you ever feared riding a Ferris wheel? Was there someone who insisted on riding, and you accompanied them? Did you realize that the fear was baseless,

Do You Buy Bread to Make Spagetti?

“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.”  ~James Allen Self-development is what brushing is to your teeth, the polish is to your jewelry, and revision is to your exams. It

Manifest the Force of Steve Jobs when Presenting

“Most business professionals give presentations to deliver information. Not Jobs. A Steve Jobs presentation is intended to create an experience -‘a reality distortion field’- that leaves his audience inspired.” -Carmine Gallo If you have ever sat through even one of

How to Handle Friends & Relationships- Part 1

One of the most sensitive point in the relationship between parents and their children is, how do the parents handle their children’s friends and relationships especially when they know they are not good for them. How do you take a

How To Stay Happy

This lockdown has taken a toll on the morale, peace of mind and happiness of people all over the world. Even the ones who always said they were happy go lucky and nothing could disturb them. Well, even they are

5 Tips for Success- Part 2

Well, to everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Part 2 of 5 tips for success, here’s our part 2 of the article. But before we get started, a quick glimpse of 2 tips discussed in part 1 of

5 Tips for Success- Part 1

Success means different things to different people, but no matter what your purpose or your journey some principles of success are Eternal. They may not get you to your destination faster. Well, time is only a consideration! Here are five

Life Hacks during Challenging Times part 2

This is Priya Kumar. I’m a motivational speaker and author and I am at home in lock down.  This is in continuation to my last blog Lockdown Life Hacks – Part 1 which discussed the points – 1) Facts vs Forwards 2)

Life Hacks during Challenging Times part 1

This is Priya Kumar. I’m a motivational speaker and author and I am at home in lock down. Now this lockdown is for real. Fear, insecurity and uncertainty are the key words, now if you let this affect you it

Qualities of a Motivational Speaker

Motivational Speaking as a career is a great option. It keeps you immersed and engaged in positivity and growth where you become the greatest beneficiary of your work, while helping others. I believe that the job of a motivational speaker

Big Challenges Hold Big Opportunities

Let this lockdown serve you your first lesson. When a problem comes your way- it is your problem, and you want to know everything there is to know about it before you even start finding a solution. If someone else

Learn Apply Teach

Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job you’ll make a living, if you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune.~ Jim Rohn When I was interviewing

“Will” against “Won’t”

Yesterday, I was washing my face in the basin and there was this annoying housefly buzzing around. I am normally tolerant of ‘annoyance’ but this housefly was aiming for my face. I decided to tell my house maid later to

The Last Lap

The goal has been set, the agreement has been made, the action has been aligned – and yet the numbers are frighteningly apart. The major chunk of the time has been spent, and the countdown to extreme stress has begun.

Push Your Luck

The goal has been set, the agreement has been made, the action has been aligned – and yet the numbers are frighteningly apart. The major chunk of the time has been spent, and the countdown to extreme stress has begun.

When people say “No”

The 10% rule in sales says that if you reach out to 10 people for your services or product, at least one will say yes. Well, some people may be happy with the 10% but my focus is on the

Dare to Win—Beat the Fear of Failure

Fear of failure ranks right next to the fear of death. In fact the fear of failure seeps so deep in the minds of people and infects their enthusiasm and self-belief so severely that they had rather kill their dreams

Don’t Miss The Boat

You may be wondering what does the term ‘Don’t Miss The Boat’ means. You will find out soon… Some people will miss the finish line and end up short of their goals. No amount of review meets can suppress the

Boss — Your Key to Success

People who are at perpetual loggerheads with their bosses and seniors have set up a failing model of progress for themselves. It’s like having the Ferrari as your dream car while expressing your dislike for its functions on a daily

Ignorance Is No Longer Bliss

Everyday we are badgered with information that consciously or unconsciously shapes our minds, influences our decisions and eventually shapes our destiny. In being busy, in getting caught in the routine, we slowly begin to slide down the dwindling spiral of

Perform … Don’t Patronise

I believe in performance. I believe in delivering results. I believe in overpromising and then… over delivering. I believe in rolling up my sleeves and getting to work right after the commitment is made, and keeping the clock going until

Lose on Your Own Terms

While achievement of success defines the purpose of all our actions, sometimes things don’t work out as expected in the time lines we had determined. Look, in the end, in the long run, everything eventually works out. But, because it

Today Is The Future

Sometimes people get so hung up on their dreams and goals and future positions that they just can’t seem to do justice to the work and the job they have at hand. In that they begin to create a never-ending

Crazy Vs. Desperate

So, a new year has begun, holding the promise to deliver results in accordance to your actions. If you are one of those who has bought into the stories that the markets are at their lowest low and that the

Traits of Highly Successful People – Part 3

There is a key that could guarantee you success, that would take you to the fulfilment of your goals. There is a sure shot way to get to the place of achievement. That is the context of my message to

The Key To Success

There is a key that could guarantee you success, that would take you to the fulfilment of your goals. There is a sure shot way to get to the place of achievement. That is the context of my message to

Dreamers are Doers

My signature carries my professional titles, Motivational Speaker | Author | Dreamer. Yes, I am a professional dreamer, as I am a professional motivational speaker and author. Often people make goals, write down their aspirations, chart out their dreams and

Watch Your Mouth

The results that you are getting in life are closely related to your own actions. While we can get on an endless argument on excuses and reasons how you have nothing to with the reality that forms your life, the

Traits of Highly Successful People

Do I have it in me to be successful? Am I really cut out to be an achiever? These doubts creep in as the distance between you and your goals begins to widen. How do you bring your confidence back

Couldn’t Do Vs. Didn’t Do

So, the year is coming to a fast end, with 60 days to go. For those of you who still remember the goals you made at the start of the year, either you are sitting at the seat of confidence

The Price of Freedom & Freelancing

The amount of hate stories that go around the bosses, it’s a miracle that some are still alive. It is the naïve who feel that bosses, especially the demanding ones, are a hindrance in their careers and progress. And so

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Public speaking is a fear that can give a person sleepless nights if he has to go on stage and address people. Or worse, nightmares when he does sleep. I would say it is not so much a fear of

How To Keep Your Team Motivated At The Work Place

Work is what defines us, it allows to give expression to who we really are, it helps us grow and discover more of ourselves, and of course, holds the opportunity to make our dreams come true. While all of this

Instead Of Arriving On Time, Arrive Early

Doubtlessly, punctuality is one of the more important virtues to have in a professional’s career. Just being at the right place at the right time has changed fortunes of people. You see, because punctual people never go unnoticed, and this quality solely

3 Solutions To Boost Your Progress At Work

All successful leaders of the world will tell you that hard work, determination, commitment, knowledge are some of the key ingredients that go into the making of a stellar career. And they sure are right. All these are essentials that

Be Resourceful Success Will Follow

If dreamers are the new class of executives, then, excuses are their weapon for still remaining mediocre. “I don’t have the resources to pursue what my heart wishes to express.” Lack of resources somehow seems to be the main culprit of unfulfilled dreams, goals,

Don’t Throw Your Towel in a Hurry

There are two ways a job comes to an end: either you quit, or you are fired. Either way, it takes a heavy emotional and financial toll. My focus here is on those people who sometimes consider quitting as a

Good Is Not Good Enough

Good Is Not Good Enough Never do something good enough. For it was done good enough, it most certainly should have been done better. ~ Unknown Today is the world where “good is the new average”. The top companies, the