5 Tips for Success- Part 2

Well, to everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Part 2 of 5 tips for success, here’s our part 2 of the article. But before we get started, a quick glimpse of 2 tips discussed in part 1 of the blog. You can view it here

Tip 1 – Follow your heart, Tip 2 – Stick it out

Here we go with the rest,

  1. What do you say, what you do, how you think should be in perfect alignment with your purpose, there is no imbalance outside you. You have to be clear and balanced in your mind, body and soul about what you want and what you want to do. The on and off attitude will destroy your morale, confidence and spirit, and cost you your reputation and under performance and delayed results. You’ll feel the dissatisfaction and frustration that comes with not being consistent with what you say, what you do and how you think.
  2. There is no glass ceiling, you can do more, you have to find ways on how you can expand, grow, progress and contribute more. If you truly love what you do, if you truly believe that your work is going to make a big difference. Then reaching out to more people and ensuring that your work goes out into the world becomes a moral obligation and duty and therefore we have to invest time, in improvement, in upgrading and expanding progress and how you can take your work to a wider audience because you believe that this will be an answer to their problems. People who are constricted are also non believers in their own work, in their own job in their own actions. 
  3. Look after yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Slack in one area would show great consequences in all other areas putting your performance and purpose in jeopardy. A person who is physically fit, mentally stable and spiritual balance is an asset. It is this balance of wellbeing and insanity that puts you on a journey of fulfilment and that my friend is a mark of a life well lived. Success is an attitude; it’s not just about achieving the goal, it’s about bringing your best self forward into the journey towards fulfilment.

I wish you great success, for the live one lives with passion on your own terms with the greatest service to everybody it touches.

These were the 5 Tips for Success by Priya Kumar Motivational Speaker Author 

Rooting for you,

Priya Kumar

Motivational Speaker | Author | Dreamer 


  1. Shivam Kumar
    June 12, 2020

    Tq ma’am g

  2. Priya Kumar
    June 16, 2020


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